毎日の仕事が慣れたが though the work becomes more natural by the day, it is important to stay focused on the job. You never know if a cow walks in unexpectedly, cows may suddenly kick, or slab you with their (dirty) tails. This means missing out being outside when the weather is beautiful, but sometimes the sun comes in and helps with the job. Only three more days to go for Amy and myself. How fast has time gone. I will miss the work, the cooking, brushing the cows, and just beiing here. And of course the tremendous energy of Kataokasan.
剛來到這時總是會有擠不出奶的時候 ,現在的我 ,自認還蠻上手的 ,因為自己的力氣不夠大 ,有些忙幫不上 ,還好片岡樣和水口樣都會及時的伸出援手 ,真的是很窩心的人 ,太陽牧場會是日本之旅中最初也會是最美的回憶 。
我的雪人也隨著日子的流逝而一天天的消瘦了 > <
月別アーカイブ: 2010年3月
Today’s Sinamon
Cow No.4418-Lucree’s favorite
Cow NO.6701-WOOFERS favorite
牛の角 / Cow Horn
ONSEN / マウレ山荘・温泉
お好み焼き / Japanese Pizza
Leidse Hutspot
Directions for Yoshi`s favorite Dutch food
1300 grs potato, peeled and cut in 4 pieces
700 grs carrot, peeled and cut in small pieces or shredded coarsly
350 grs onion peeled and sliced
Put together in big cooking pot with water and some salt. Boil until everything is soft enough to mash. Pour away nearly all water.
Mash with some milk and butter. Add salt, peper and nutmeg to taste. Eat with whatever meat you like, or, fry mushrooms sepperately and mix into Hutspot, or mix in cheese in stead of eating meat. Add side salad.
Trekking to Takinoue / 滝上トレッキング
Today we had the chance to learn about wildlife in the winter forest of Takinoue. Mr. Kataoka invited us for a snowshoe hike with a nature guide. She showed us how to read ashiato (animal tracks) in the snow, how to determine when animals ate at a certain spot and how to distinguish two remarkably similar treas even in wintertime. We even tasted the favorite food of the flying squirl. As gaijin we had the chance as well of course to learn about Japanese people when out in the wild. I had a good time and will never forget the face of a walnut-bud and the backward-looking tracks of a running リス。